This application expands and displays characters that you input.
The primary function is to display characters in variable sizes, there are some other convenient features that can be useful.
*Paid App: "扩大输入文字 - ZoomOnInput +" (-ad, +some features)
*iPad App: "扩大输入文字 - ZoomOnInput HD" (Free/Paid)
are more useful.
(+Text Alignment/Color, Landscape mode, Favorites×5)
Usage examples :
・Message board, Notes, Reminder or To-Do List in large letters/characters.
・Draft Email or Twitter (counting characters).
・Launcher for Search Engines (Google,Bing,Baidu,Naver).
・字典 ( new feature in iOS 5 ) - If you tap the word in ZoomView as if you wanted to copy it, “定义” option will appear.
-Letters/characters that you input in the center of the screen is expanded and displayed.
-You can change the size [S,M,L,XL,XXL,MAX] to which it is displayed.
-This app remembers Last Edit.
-This view is scrollable.
●Favorites & Recents
-When you complete the input, this app adds it to the "Recents" list.
-You can add the word save the characters to the "Favorites" list by tapping the "Star" button.
※Recents save the last 5 items, and you can save up to 3 items in the Favorites list.
●Screen capture
-You can take Screenshots in jpg format at 320×320 resolution.
-You can also capture ZoomView jpgs at up to 320×240 resolution.
(Push apps upper right "ActionButton")
-Use that jpeg as Wallpaper, and your device becomes Message board or Reminder for you.
●TextArea mode
-You can also input the characters in TextArea.
(Push apps upper left "+" Button)
-Count letters/characters that you input.(TextArea mode)
-Conduct searches on the characters you input in Google, Bing, Baidu or Naver.
●Send Mail
-Email the characters you input, Favorites or Recents.
-Tweet the characters you input in mobile.twitter.com (Launch Safari).
(Sign in mobile.twitter.com)
●Full Screen View
-Display captured character fully on screen.
-This view is scrollable and rotatable.
*Demo Movie : http://bit.ly/zoidemo
(or search "yorodzu" in YouTube)
*Support URL : http://support.yorodzu.com/